British comedian and satirist who created the hilarious and controversial characters Ali G and Borat. He also appeared in Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby and starred as Admiral General Haffaz Aladeen in The Dictator. In 2018, he began starring in the Showtime show Who Is America?
He studied history at the University of Cambridge and participated in plays while there. He was influenced by Rowan Atkinson and Monty Python.
He played the flamboyant and gay fashion reporter Bruno Gerhard in the 2009 comedy film Bruno. He also voiced the character Julien in the 2005 film Madagascar.
He married actress Isla Fisher in March of 2010. He has a pair of daughters named Olive and Elula and a son named Montgomery.
Pamela Anderson was abducted by his character in Borat.